Where to eat Ambuyat in Brunei?


Here is a list of all the ambuyat places in Brunei!

1. Soto Babu Nini

2. Pondok Aufa

3. Tarindak

4. Yasmalina

5. Ambuyat Kitchen

6. Serai

7. Pujangga Besila

8. Chef Q

9. KRose Kitchen

10. Blue Castle

11. Full House

12. Soto Pabo

13. Orkid Biru

14. Liyana

15. Tummies Kitchen

16. Kaka

17. Aminah Arif

18. Haveli

19. Q-Inn

20. Rumbia

21. Nasi Talam

22. Salera Babu

23. Tiong Jaya

24. Selera Cikgu Bintang

25. Dapur Ibu

26. Dapur 763

27. Kitchenette Kita

28. Kafe Melur

29. Rumah Makan SBB

30. Adresto

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